Available in bulk / wholesale on the TradeAngel Wholesale Marketplace ( ). Buy 10 boxes or more on Ebay and get 20% off! Inventory Available: We currently have a total of 4,760 boxes of Safeko gloves in stock, and can supply up to 100,000 boxes per month. Location: The stock is located in, and will ship from, warehouses in Utah, Texas, and New York (depending on the order size and which location is closest to you) Size Breakdown: 5% Small | 45% Medium | 45% Large | 5% XLarge Description: - High quality, authentic Safeko vinyl / nitrile blend hybrid medical examination gloves.- Ideal for use where maintaining sanitary practices is important, such as healthcare, home care, food handling, cleaning and more.- Heavy Duty 4-Mil thickness means these gloves will not tear as you put them on and will hold up under strenuous use.- Soft and comfortable on your skin, preserving dexterity and sense of touch.- Unisex design and sizing. See our Size Chart in the product pictures for instructions on how to determine which glove size is best for you.- Perfect for: physicians, doctors, dentists, construction, mechanics, auto industry, security, cleaning, and more. **For the full specification sheet and testing report, please request them at
[email protected] or go to the TradeAngel wholesale listing link above and select "View Details" At TradeAngel we have hundreds of vetted and verified PPE listings including dozens of glove options for you to choose from, including nitrile, vinyl, latex, chemotherapy-rated and more, with built-in shipping, insurance, and financing! Find what you need at